Designing with D3
For an assignment in my Notational Systems class, each student was tasked
to create their own way of representing something. It could be a data set,
method of showing instructions, anything. I decided to conduct a survey to
see the work habits and personality types of the students in my class. I
decided to show only three data profiles in my class, but I felt these
students might work well together based on their survey responses.
My initial design intention was to portray the data profiles and have the
lines grow thicker during mouseover and have the meaning of each shape pop
up during the click function. There would be no color, but decided to add
it in the end to make the diagram more visually appealing. I struggled to
figure out how to get the text to work. Instead I showed a key below the
image for each answer and decided to have a click function show the
portrait in black and white. Both versions portray the information but in
different ways. I also really struggled making this website but had help
from Youtube videos, W3 schools, and my peers.
End Results
I feel my D3 interaction is very simple but I am proud that I was able to
make it work. If I knew how to begin, I think it would have been cool to
make the survey as part of the click interaction and clicking the answers
would form your own data profile.